
Why, CPT?: Meeting notes on Stewart Rhodes

This post is a follow-up from a previous MilitiaWatch exploration of the Yavapai County Preparedness Team, a dissident Arizona Oath Keepers chapter. The previous piece is available here:

As mentioned in the above piece, MilitiaWatch collected and transcribed the meetings of dozens of YCPT gatherings in the Prescott area. Most of the speaking is done by the YCPT’s founder and leader, Jim Arroyo. This post is meant to show the group leader’s public discussion of the founder and national leader of the Oath Keepers, Stewart Rhodes.


Weekly (x2): 12 Jul 21

Happy July, y’all. Here’s a two-week update after MilitiaWatch took last Monday off. There’s a lot to cover here, but here are some included:

  • Two new MilitiaWatch pieces (YCPT and III% Security Force)
  • Moorish group has armed standoff in Massachusetts
  • Stewart Rhodes talks to Feds, attends CPAC
  • III% tattoo spotted on Food Network participant
  • VA militia still raffling guns, gain writing position at local outlet


Why, CPT?: Arizona Oath Keepers as a microcosm for the movement

After the storming of the US Capitol Building on 6 January 2021, media has been trying to figure out who the Oath Keepers are. 60 Minutes, 3 months after the riot, interviewed 4 members of a group calling themselves the “Arizona Oath Keepers”. In mid-June 2021, 60 Minutes re-aired the segment, providing the group more airtime. These Oath Keepers were four members of a Prescott, Arizona area organization known as the Yavapai County Preparedness Team.

Who are the Yavapai County Preparedness Team (YCPT)? The YCPT is an Arizona Oath Keepers chapter, previously directly part of the Stewart Rhodes-led national organization but now autonomous and independent. They still, however, call themselves Oath Keepers and use Oath Keepers iconography and ideology to describe themselves. This article explores their structure, their relationships to the right, and where it looks like they are heading.

This is a very long article, so MilitiaWatch has prepared a first “TL;DR” (too long; didn’t read) that hits at some of the core points from this investigation without the goose chases and too-in-the-weeds writing the MW audience might be accustomed to at this point. You can read that here:


TL;DR — Why, CPT?

This post is a summary meant to cover the in-depth work featured in the article here.


Weekly: 28 Jun 21

Another short weekly update, covering some of the following:

  • NFAC shooter arrested
  • Bundy runs for governor
  • Church hosts Q event in Virginia
  • First J6 sentencing does not include jail time


Weekly: 21 Jun 21

This week, a brief update covering some of the following:

  • Several police officers face consequences related to J6 riot
  • Ex-police chief uses charity to fund violence
  • Oath Keepers organization in turmoil, founder used funds from it on non-OK related goods


Weekly: 14 Jun 21

This week, an update featuring some of the following:

  • More details emerge in Grizzly Scouts Boogaloo cases
  • Neo-Nazi provocateurs plead guilty to gun charges
  • J6 arrests near 500
  • Bundy followers threaten another standoff


Weekly: 31 May 21

Happy Memorial Day to those who have or whose family and friends have lost life and limb in US wars. Here’s another weekly update from MW, which includes the following:

  • J6 arrestee says cops didn’t tell him not to storm the capitol
  • National Guard leaves DC
  • Bundy announces run for governor
  • Grandmaster Jay and Kyle Rittenhouse have legal updates


Weekly: 26 Apr 21

Another brief weekly update, spanning some of the following:

  • A militia training site refuses to shut down
  • Zello Tapes now available to the public
  • More Proud Boys arrested for their role in J6


Weekly: 19 April 21

Another Monday, another weekly update. Here’s a glimpse at what’s covered in this brief piece:

  • An OK founder pleads guilty; the QRF looks more material
  • III% adherents assault interracial couples for second time in three weeks in SC
  • Wolverine Watchmen brothers removed from house arrest