
Monthly: Mar 22

Another month, another MilitiaWatch Monthly. This time, we’re covering the broad strokes of March 2022. Read last month’s update here or January’s here. If you’d prefer to listen to an audio version of the information below, you may want to check out the MilitiaWatchMonthly podcast — an update covering February and March will be out soon. All MW updates (weeklies prior to 2022, monthlies from 2022 on) can be accessed via this link.


Monthly: January 2022

After a break in weekly updates, MilitiaWatch returns in 2022 with a monthly format instead. If you’d prefer to listen to a version of the information contained below, you may also want to check out the MilitiaWatchMonthly podcast here. All MW updates (monthlies now and weeklies before) can be accessed via this link.


Weekly: 11 Jan 2021

The last week has been a big one, to say the least! Here’s a weekly update covering some of the following, in very broad strokes:

  • The storming of the US Capitol Building
  • Militias and other militant far-right groups show at multiple state capitol buildings
  • Social media platform revolt

You’ve likely already read a lot of this, given how high up in the news it’s been this past week, so this one is going to be mainly for record-keeping.


Reflections on November 9: The ‘Declaration of Restoration’, the path to it, and its near futures

This post is a follow-up on some of the loose ends of a previous piece on splinters within the III% movement, particularly with regards to the III% Security Force and its affiliated activists and figureheads.

Much has happened since this earlier piece, but this update seeks to focus on the November 9th gathering anticipated in the previous article alongside the politics, uprisings, and fallout surrounding the event. I strongly recommend reading this previous bit of writing before diving into this one.

From a “redress of grievances” on February 23, 2019 (termed “223”) to its March 23 follow-up to a planned November 9 rally in DC, Chris Hill of the III% Security Force (III%SF) and Georgia Security Force III% (GSFIII) seemed to be organizing a new era of national militia gatherings.