
Monthly: Jan 23

Hello, MilitiaWatch readers! Here you’ll find the monthly update for January 2023, the first of a new year for militia activity. This one’s another brief update, with some legal updates and a few key moments of mobilization that are worth knowing about.

Last month’s update, December 22, is available for your reading pleasure here and all other updates can be found here.


Monthly: Dec 22

Happy New Year, MilitiaWatch readers! Here’s the first monthly update of 2023, covering the last month of 2022. While activity was a bit lower in December on the militia front as far as news stories go, mobilization was a key fixture of this month. In order to keep things brief, this monthly focuses on a small grouping of key happenings from December.

Also, just in case Twitter is where you follow MW, please consider following on Mastodon, too (who knows what Twitter policy may be tomorrow or next week, to be honest).

Finally, November’s Monthly is available here if you’d like to review what happened previously.


Monthly: Nov 22

After another hiatus (as is our pattern), we’re back with a MilitiaWatch Monthly–but dropping the podcast. Here are the broad strokes of November 2022. Read our last monthly (from March) here.

Also, feel free to follow us on Mastodon, where we share news excerpts in longer form than Twitter allows! We can be found here.


Monthly: Mar 22

Another month, another MilitiaWatch Monthly. This time, we’re covering the broad strokes of March 2022. Read last month’s update here or January’s here. If you’d prefer to listen to an audio version of the information below, you may want to check out the MilitiaWatchMonthly podcast — an update covering February and March will be out soon. All MW updates (weeklies prior to 2022, monthlies from 2022 on) can be accessed via this link.


Monthly: Feb 2022

After a bit of a delay in publication, the MilitiaWatch monthly update for February 2022 is here below. An audio version is forthcoming, and this post will be updated to include it as soon as it’s posted. All MW updates (weeklies prior to 2022, monthlies from 2022 on) can be accessed via this link.


Monthly: January 2022

After a break in weekly updates, MilitiaWatch returns in 2022 with a monthly format instead. If you’d prefer to listen to a version of the information contained below, you may also want to check out the MilitiaWatchMonthly podcast here. All MW updates (monthlies now and weeklies before) can be accessed via this link.


Birdspotting: A brief guide of spotting militia members in your area

This guide is intended to be a resource for community organizers and members of communities expecting to have far-right militia groups and their ilk entering their area in the near future. It is not a comprehensive guide but should provide a basic outline for identifying actors, deducing the politics of rallygoers, and assessing risk when coming up against these actors. A one-page black-and-white printable flyer is available for download for the 18 September 2021 DC rally here.

One-page flyers containing some of these images are available for download ahead of the DC rally here: Color | B&W

Note: This page was put live incomplete in order to make sure the information is out there ahead of time. Please refresh to read the most up-to-date copy.


Why, CPT?: Meeting notes on Stewart Rhodes

This post is a follow-up from a previous MilitiaWatch exploration of the Yavapai County Preparedness Team, a dissident Arizona Oath Keepers chapter. The previous piece is available here:

As mentioned in the above piece, MilitiaWatch collected and transcribed the meetings of dozens of YCPT gatherings in the Prescott area. Most of the speaking is done by the YCPT’s founder and leader, Jim Arroyo. This post is meant to show the group leader’s public discussion of the founder and national leader of the Oath Keepers, Stewart Rhodes.


TL;DR—Georgia Home Guard

This post is a summary meant to cover the in-depth work featured in the article here.


The Georgia Home Guard: The trappings and rhetorical trap of a ‘defensive’ militia

MilitiaWatch was given files from the internal and semi-public communications of a Georgia-based militia group. These files, provided to MilitiaWatch by the Atlanta Antifascists, show extremely worrying plans that may be indicative of conversations within other contemporary militia groups. This piece assesses some of this content and provides context that may be useful to those looking to assess the psychic and social environments in which militias like this seek to engage.