Hello, MilitiaWatch reader! Last year, we posted a yearly roundup looking at some of the major threads of militia activity in 2023. Here’s another year in the books, rounding off 2024 with a MW Yearly covering the year’s big stories. If you want to read last year’s roundup, it’s here:
Greetings, MW reader! Since publication delays last month led to a no-send on last month’s MW Monthly, here’s a compounded bi-monthly update spanning September and October’s recent militia news updates. These include:
Hello, MW reader, and welcome to summer. Here’s another light monthly roundup of militia-related news stories for June 2024. Below you’ll find coverage of some of the following:
Greetings, reader of MilitiaWatch, and welcome to the first post of 2024! This time, this Monthly covers January 2024 (with a few quick jabs towards some news updates since the start of February). Here are some of the things covered here:
The fiasco in Eagle Pass, TX draws many weirdos
Vermont militia training site owner officially goes fugitive
Democrats put forward anti-militia federal legislation
VCDL hosts annual Lobby Day, Boogaloo fans attend
The previous MW Monthly (November 2023) can be read here: