
Yearly: 23

Greetings, MilitiaWatch reader! This month, given that it is indeed the final month of 2023, is a special MW Monthly. Specifically, it is not a MW Monthly but a review of the last year of Monthly posts. Below, you’ll find a repeat of the most important stories that crossed multiple months this year and a “most important story of the month” for each month of 2023. All stories will link back to the MW Monthly in context if you want to read more.

This is MW signing off for 2023, see you in 2024 (happy new year, btw).


Monthly: Oct 23

Greetings, MilitiaWatch readers! Hopefully, you had a good spooky season! (Many of those covered in this Monthly update did not.) In broad strokes, this monthly covers:

  • Legal updates for escapees, would-be Thanksgiving attackers, and Nazis
  • Updates related to governance and policing, and overlaps with militia (again)
  • Armed activism a la “2A Rallies” and otherwise at Capitols etc

The previous MW Monthly (covering September 2023) can be read here: