MW is now going to be throwing together a short news round-up at the start of each week based upon the happenings of the past week. For as long as militia news remains at the forefront of US media, MW will gather some of the more interesting or concerning points here, linking to reading both within the MW archives and outside. Here’s the weekly(ish) update for 12 October 2020.
Charges were levied against 13 men in association with a militia plot to kidnap and try Michigan Governor Whitmer
An upcoming MilitiaWatch article will discuss this happening and its place within the history of the militia and right-wing activism in Michigan and beyond. This high-profile arrest is only the most recent in a string of FBI/DHS charges levied against right-wing militants, a cohort of activists that both agencies (and nearly every researcher on the radical right) have expressed are a primary threat for violence right now. The Michigan Wolverines Watchmen are not to be confused with the Watchmen of America, who have been previously covered on MilitiaWatch and now appear defunct.
Writing on this news is high in volume. Everyone has probably already read half a dozen of these at least. However, here are a few news stories read by MW: NPR, Detroit News, NYT
Chris Hill of the Georgia Security Force III%, in a video explaining all the coming media platforming of his group, called the Michigan arrests a tactic to “scare people into the voting booths to vote for Joe Biden”
Chris Hill and his militia have been through a lot over the past couple of years, primarily a series of schisms between the end of this year and the summer of last year. He remains highly interviewed by the press, both national and international.
Writing on this news story available through the AJC.
Militia members attack a local journalist in Oregon after Joseph Rice of Sugar Pine Mine standoff notoriety asked him how he was aware of the meeting.
Joseph Rice and the Josephine County militias he has found himself organizing with are highly noted in the press for previous actions, namely the Sugar Pine Mine standoff and the Malheur Occupation of 2016.

Footage of the Grant Pass altercation available here.
Most recent MilitiaWatch article written before update: